I am surprised to discover I have not posted here for a couple of years. What?? Anyway - today I wanted to collect some interesting pointers to open science.
Our INSIGHT project is available on the Open Science Framework at this particular place: https://osf.io/9yuqr/. The other IARPA project "FAST" is also posted there. OSF has been recommended by the Center for Open Science too.
Related to our INSIGHT project, we did a survey of data repositories related to neuroscience and the social and behavioral sciences. This survey included IPCSR, NITRC, COINS, OpenfMRI, SumsDB, 1000 Functional Connectomes project and its successor the International Neuroimaging Data-sharing Initiative, BrainBiodiversity Bank,
XNAT, and The WholeBrain Atlas. C-PAC is the Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes.
I just learned of rOPenSci - open tools in the R programming language.
The National Data Service is being spearheaded by NCSA.
Of course there is a long history of open-source software, of which two of my favorite examples are Bugzilla and NAMD.
The scientific journals are also important players here, obviously PLOS as well as others.
A bit of larger context of the Web itself:
World Wide Web Consortium and the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and the IEEE Standards on metadata and the Internet of Things and the Harvard Dataverse and the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN) and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and the DSpace open source repository application and the Open Archives Initiative and the Registry of Research Data Repositories (RE3Data) form a complex ecosystem of philosophies, approaches, technical requirements,
standards, and infrastructure.